8×8 Extends XCaaS Platform AI Capabilities with Real-time Meeting Transcriptions and Smart Summarizations.


8×8, Inc., a leading integrated cloud contact center and unified communications platform provider, announced the addition of AI-powered video meeting capabilities to the 8×8 XCaaS platform, enabling users to access real-time AI transcriptions, smart summaries, and follow up action items for enhanced collaboration during and after meetings. The new features highlight 8×8’s continued focus on platform innovation and delivering AI-driven contact center and unified communications solutions to improve productivity and efficiency.

“Almost 90% of companies participating in our research see the value in deploying Generative AI meeting assistants,” says Irwin Lazar, President and Principal Analyst, Metrigy. “By bringing its 8×8 XCaaS platform AI capabilities to video meetings, 8×8 can now also help organizations improve productivity by reducing time spent in post-meeting activities such as following up on action items and summarizing key discussion points.”

Extending AI capabilities across the 8×8 XCaaS Platform empowers organizations and their employees with:

  • Smarter meetings: Meeting summaries enable asynchronous information sharing and easy follow ups by outlining next steps and action items, as well as meeting highlights and snapshots.
  • Deeper collaboration: Meeting participants have richer, more meaningful conversations and constructive meetings via intelligent and seamless meetings transcriptions that easily distinguishes between speakers and provides actionable, meaningful insights, while reducing redundant and time consuming tasks such as taking notes during a meeting.
  • Better tracking: Link meeting artifacts directly to CRMs, such as Salesforce, for easy, centralized access, tracking, and reporting.
  • Broader impact: Meet the needs of an increasingly global and hybrid workforce, supporting modern work environments and user expectations.

Also Read: Pecan AI Introduces Predictive GenAI to Transform Enterprise AI Efforts.

“Our continued AI-led innovations are motivated by our desire to provide organizations with the technology and solutions that make their customer engagement, communication and collaboration efforts more effective and efficient,” said Hunter Middleton, Chief Product Officer at 8×8, Inc. “These continuing AI enhancements to the 8×8 XCaaS platform underpin exactly what we’re striving to achieve – superior employee and customer experiences – and we are deeply committed to bringing to market features that add value to our customers.”

The 8×8 XCaaS (Experience Communications as a Service™) integrated cloud contact center and unified communications platform includes cloud contact center, business phone, video meetings, team chat, and SMS capabilities. 8×8 XCaaS is a resilient, secure, and compliant platform, offering the highest levels of reliability with a financially backed, platform-wide 99.999 percent uptime SLA across an integrated cloud UCaaS and CCaaS solution.

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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