Three Key Supply Chain Issues to Watch in 2022

While it is undeniable that supply chain logistics are constantly evolving, it is reasonable to state that the year 2020 brought about upheavals that the majority of consumer goods firms weren’t used to. In order to flourish in the competitive world of 2022, businesses must now face new challenges.

For supply chains, COVID-19 was nothing less than a Black Swan event, resulting in ripple disruptions that still have an impact on international markets.

While some of these issues may eventually be resolved, others are more long-lasting, heralding a paradigm shift in how enterprises see future supply chains. The way that leadership approaches supply chain operations, crucial procurement and the value streams they support is changing as a result.

The supply chain crisis has undoubtedly felt cumbersome at times. Global stock shortages, delivery delays, and protracted backorders on the most sought-after inventory products have essentially put suppliers and manufacturers to the test.

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The worldwide pandemic is upsetting the ecology of the supply chain by posing new, unexpected obstacles to both productivity and profitability.

The following three supply chain problems will be the primary ones for product-based businesses worldwide in 2022.

Reduced speed of digital transformation

Data access is essential for making wise decisions. Decision-making is impeded by an incomplete picture since many firms, unfortunately, have a patchwork of manual and digital technologies that effectively cage information within functional silos.

The necessity to examine financials in order to comprehend base cost vs. variable cost has been underlined by COVID-19. Leadership choices might become considerably more informed thanks to digital transformation. This is more important than ever.

Organizations must come up with methods for gaining access to supply chain data through the use of technologies that provide unrestricted data flow. In order to monitor, control, and see the effects of decisions, companies also require technology like a supply chain digital twin.

Reorganizing supply chains

Some global supply chains will recover with time. But for many, it’s now necessary to reorganize. For businesses looking for more dependable ways to buy goods and services, 2022 will be a year of pivoting. Depending on the structure of the supply chain and the company’s goals, this can entail reshoring, varied suppliers, or new carrier arrangements. Leaders must be resolute in recognizing the need for change and be prepared to dissolve and reestablish alliances that are no longer effective.

Executive leaders must have a comprehensive view of the chain of custody and the challenges facing the company as they reorganize supply networks. Do businesses need to localize their supply chains? Or use several suppliers to leverage the price of one material good? Or strategically coordinate with partners who have more supply chain control? In a more worldwide market, procurement is still tricky; therefore, firms must concentrate on coordinating sustainable and dependable solutions.

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Port crowding 

Given that port owners, carriers, and shippers are still looking for a workable solution to this issue, port congestion brought on by the pandemic continues to be one of the most significant issues for the world’s supply chains. When a ship docks at a port but is unable to load (or unload) its cargo because that station is already full, congestion has occurred.

Although the loading and unloading procedure generally proceeds as planned, workforce shortages and societal alienation brought on by the pandemic have noticeably changed things (creating major bottlenecks at a number of busy global docks).

Numerous businesses are unable to ship their products on schedule due to this congestion and the backlog it creates, making it difficult for carriers to meet their promised delivery dates.