CIOs Playbook to Develop Resilient Enterprise Tech Stack

CIOs globally are on a mission to evolve their enterprise tech stack as per the consumer and market demand to get a competitive edge and ensure business efficiency.

The post-pandemic world is transforming itself to become more resilient against disruptions. It can be a challenging task for a few CIOs to ingrain agility in the work processes that the business requires to scale. Successful modern enterprises embrace advanced tools in their IT infrastructure to accomplish business goals.

Here are three aspects that CIOs can consider to build a resilient enterprise tech stack:

Develop business continuity and disaster recovery plan

Enterprises cannot build a resilient enterprise tech stack without designing a comprehensive business continuity or disaster recovery strategy.

Irrespective of how robust the security posture implemented is, organizations are still exposed to various vulnerabilities which the IT decision-makers need to consider.

CIOs should consider all the business processes and technologies that streamline the workflows to spot all the potential disruptions. Moreover, it is crucial to design and implement efficient disaster recovery plans to have minimum impact on business continuity. An effective disaster recovery plan will consider the potential impacts caused by disruption by the workforce or tools in the enterprise tech stack.

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Ingrain risk-awareness into the work culture

One of the most significant aspects that a lot of IT decision-makers tend to overlook while improving IT resilience is not creating risk awareness throughout the workforce. It is crucial to spread risk awareness amongst the stakeholders, resources, customers, and vendors to harden the overall IT infrastructure. It is crucial to train the users to identify phishing attacks and other threat vectors and their implications on security to highlight the potential threats in real-time. Because it is one of the most cost-effective solutions to improve enterprise tech stack resiliency, CIOs should consider identifying the critical assets and train all the users that have access to it to be vigilant.

DevSecOps teams can determine the best security practices to secure those assets and explore files in folders that are not protected. Enterprises can share best practices to securely store and process sensitive information and spot traits of social engineering attacks. However, it is essential to audit the security postures regularly to make necessary changes to harden the attack surface areas. Businesses that aim to set a risk-aware work culture can integrate top cyber deception tools to effectively manage risks. It is one of the most effective ways to spot malicious actors in the early stages of their attack cycle to minimize the harm

Develop a resilient enterprise tech stack with automation

CIOs should consider evaluating their entire business network and identify all the potential areas that can be improved with automation. Integrating automation into the enterprise tech stack will enable businesses to minimize the intricacies. There are many security systems with advanced automation tools that help to reduce all the possible attack surface areas.

Enterprises globally are embracing top Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications in their workflows to improve business network resiliency. Because the SaaS industry standard has shared responsibility models embraced, Cloud-app vendors provide logic and security at the infrastructure level to access platform controls. Moreover, the responsibility of user access and data governance is in the user’s control. After considering all of the factors, CIOs should consider integrating automation in the enterprise tech stack to set streamlined workflows that ensure scalability.