1Kosmos Named Blockchain Trailblazer in 2023 Tech Trailblazer Awards.


1Kosmos, the company that unifies identity proofing and passwordless authentication, announced it was recognized as a Blockchain Trailblazer in the 2023 Tech Trailblazer Awards. This independent awards program identifies the most innovative enterprise technology startups, concepts and individuals in the world. Winners were selected by a panel of leading IT industry experts and public vote.

“1Kosmos uses a private and permissioned blockchain at the core of its BlockID digital identity cloud service which unifies identity verification and multi-factor passwordless authentication,” said Hemen Vimadalal, CEO of 1Kosmos. “This gives users control over their data, while protecting their privacy, PII and digital identity. BlockID’s decentralized approach produces verified, tamper-evident digital identity and credentials on which businesses and individuals can rely with unmatched trust.”

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1Kosmos BlockID steps enterprises into the digital future while solving current identity verification and passwordless multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenges. The BlockID platform not only eliminates the security/identity gaps in conventional MFA, but fundamentally erases the traditional compromise between security and convenience by delivering both without end user friction.

SOURCE: BusinessWire