Amperon Welcomes Tim Healy and Catherine Flax to Join Board of Directors

Amperon Holdings, Inc., the leader in AI-powered grid forecasts, today announced Tim Healy and Catherine Flax as the newest members to join the board of directors and help position Amperon as the grid analytics platform for the energy transition.

“Tim and Catherine are established titans in their spaces and we are excited to have their advice and experience as Amperon grows into a global company,” said Sean Kelly, CEO and co-founder of Amperon. “To have Tim, the pioneer in demand-response technology, and Catherine, a dominant figure in global commodities, join our board only solidifies the important work Amperon is doing.”

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Tim, who founded and helmed EnerNOC, brings the know-how of scaling a cleantech company to the global level. “Grids are more volatile than ever, and the energy industry needs a trusted source of insights to manage risk and prevent blackouts. Amperon is that information hub for the energy transition,” said Tim. “The company is at an exciting stage to shape the market to ensure the energy transition happens correctly.”

Catherine, former executive at J.P. Morgan and current board member of the regional transmission organization ISO New England, Inc, knows the importance of accurate data in this space. “The energy industry has underinvested in advanced technologies for decades. Amperon is this perfect blend of Silicon Valley meets Houston meets Wall Street to bring modern AI to the energy industry,” said Catherine. “Better information creates much better outcomes for everyone – for the whole industry, down to the end users.”

Both Tim and Catherine see Amperon as a major player in the energy transition. With increasing rolling blackouts, extended price spikes, heavy renewables and EV penetrations, and extreme weather events, energy market participants of all stripes rely heavily on Amperon to guide their operational decisions. As Catherine said, “Not having tools like Amperon for market participants is like having your hands tied behind your back.”

Catherine and Tim are the latest additions to Amperon’s board, rounding out a highly experienced team that includes Michael D’Aurizio, Investment Director at HSBC Climate Tech Venture Fund, as well as founders Abraham Stanway and Sean Kelly.

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