Amy Farrow Joins Infoblox as Chief Information Officer.


Infoblox Inc., a leader in cloud networking and security services, announces the appointment of Amy Farrow as Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer. Infoblox leads the charge to unite networking and security to deliver improved performance and protection as the company continues to innovate and develop market-leading on-premises and SaaS solutions.

Reporting to Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Hoke Horne, Farrow will lead the Infoblox Information Technology and Security teams to support this next critical phase of growth at scale.

Amy joins Infoblox as the company prepares for a period of rapid growth. Her proven experience helping companies scale during times of significant and complex transformation, while bolstering the customer experience, will be critical as the company continues to grow and lead the market.

Also Read: IFS announces winners of the 2023 Partner of the Year Awards.

“Amy has a strong background in leading top companies to generate substantial growth and success under her leadership,” said Hoke Horn, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Infoblox. “Her extensive experience in the technology industry and her deep understanding of the challenges facing modern IT organizations make her the ideal fit for Infoblox as we continue towards another year of successful hyper growth. I’m excited about how she will help us scale and transform, further fueling our customer-focused culture.”

“I’m honored to join Infoblox and excited to be a part of such an innovative team,” said Amy Farrow, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer. “Infoblox’s strong customer relationships and partnerships are a proof point of the game-changing work the team is doing as a leading networking and security provider. I’m eager to work with the amazing team here to further cultivate these relationships and take Infoblox to the next level.”

Farrow is a veteran technology leader with over 20 years of experience leading technology teams in both B2B and B2C companies. She has helped to scale organizations that are disruptors in their space, including Salesforce and Twitter. She joins Infoblox from Lyft where she served as their first CIO.


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