Ansira Appoints Desiree Toto As Chief Product And Technology Officer


Ansira Partners, Inc., an independent global marketing services and solutions company with proprietary channel, website, and advertising technology, announced that Desiree Toto has joined the executive leadership team in the role of Chief Product and Technology Officer. She reports to Ansira’s CEO Paul Tibbitt and is responsible for product, engineering, and enterprise information technology for the organization.

“Desiree’s impressive track record speaks volumes about her leadership and expertise,” said Tibbitt. “Her ability to foster a culture of innovation, lead successful transformations, and deliver operational efficiencies is unparalleled. I know her contributions will help drive a strong product-based culture at Ansira and fortify our platform for ecosystem marketing.”

Toto most recently served as Senior Vice President of Product & Operations at CJ, where she led a global team of product and support operation managers focused on delivering and implementing innovative products and solutions. She was also responsible for technical operations, which included streamlining and transforming systems to improve efficiency and boost productivity. During her tenure at CJ, she was instrumental in leading the shift to a product-led culture, which formed the bedrock of the successful modernization of CJ’s end-to-end platform. Prior to overseeing product and operations at CJ, she also served as a leader within their client development department. She has a bachelor’s degree in both marketing and studio arts from Clark University.

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“I am eager to contribute my unique perspectives and experience to innovate, evolve, and refine Ansira’s proprietary technology,” said Toto. “I’m thrilled to lead the talented product team to drive even greater success for both Ansira and our clients.”

Ansira is backed by Truelink Capital, a middle-market private equity firm based in Los Angeles.


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