Arena Analytics CEO Myra Norton Recruited to Maryland Governor’s Workforce Development Board

Arena Analytics, a company that helps people and organizations chart the future of work using sophisticated AI and data analytics, today announced that CEO Myra Norton has been appointed to the Maryland Governor’s Workforce Development Board the Governor’s chief policy-making body for workforce development in the state of Maryland.

The Governor’s Workforce Development Board is responsible for developing policies and strategies to form a coordinated workforce development system in collaboration with state employment and training, economic development, education partners, and significant input from the business community. The board is made up of 59 members, the majority of whom represent the business community. Other members include Maryland’s governor Larry Hogan, cabinet secretaries, college presidents, the state superintendent of schools, elected officials, labor, and representatives of nonprofit organizations. Board members are appointed by Maryland’s Governor, and the Maryland General Assembly leadership appoints one state senator and one delegate. Private sector appointees serve four-year terms.

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Myra Norton brings deep expertise in labor market issues to the board. As CEO of Arena Analytics, Norton has led the development and deployment of innovative solutions that leverage data to help employers create more productive and equitable workforces. Previously, Norton was the CEO of Community Analytics, an analyst at Northrop Grumman, a professor in Mathematics and Statistics at Temple UniversityTowson University, and the US Naval Academy, and an administrator in the College of Science and Technology at Temple University. She serves as the Immediate Past Chair of the Board of the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO); is a member of the Innovation, Development & Entrepreneurship Advisory (IDEA) Board, which champions innovation and entrepreneurship across Johns Hopkins University; and chairs the BmoreSTEM infrastructure workgroup, working to increase equitable student access and retention in STEM fields.

“I’m thrilled to join the Governor’s Workforce Development Board and I look forward to working with an esteemed group of business leaders, academics, and government officials to tackle the biggest challenges facing the workforce today,” said Norton. “At Arena, we are committed to driving long-term, structural change in the workforce by expanding access to opportunity and success for individuals and organizations alike, and I know the great work the board is engaged in will help us all make that vision a reality.”

Norton will also serve on the Board’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee. The CTE Committee’s mission is to build an integrated, globally competitive framework for providing CTE to Maryland students in public school, institutions of postsecondary education, and the workforce. The CTE Committee is composed of 11 members, including the State Superintendent, Secretary of Higher Education, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Commerce, and six members who are jointly appointed by the Governor, Senate President, and the Speaker of the House.

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