Clarifai Announces AI Developer Alliance to Push Boundaries and Strengthen Development of AI


Clarifai, a global leader in AI development and a pioneer of the full-stack AI platform, announced the launch of a groundbreaking AI Developer Alliance. The alliance will bring together developers, technologies, and a broad range of organizations to share best practices and knowledge, and to facilitate collaboration on everything from AI-related ethics to furthering advocacy and driving innovation.

The first members of the alliance are Clarifai, Postman, Coder, DBT Labs, LlamaIndex, DSPy, Deepgram, Weaviate, LangChain, New York University, Cleanlab, Tabnine, Sieve Data,, Cast AI, Ikigai, Last9, and YCurb.

The alliance is open to all companies that play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI technology and development. Clarifai expects many more companies and entities to join in the coming months.

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“Developers are the builders of AI across industries and organizations, and Clarifai has been a leading resource for them in doing so for more than a decade. This alliance will help them cut through the noise of a rapidly growing technology and ecosystem to share insights and best practices, build trust, and to fuel collaboration on projects that push the boundaries of AI development in a successful and responsible way,” said Chris Kent, SVP of Marketing at Clarifai. “We look forward to collaborating with the best and the brightest to bring forward this industry expertise and voice.”

Clarifai will serve as administrative facilitator of the AI Developer Alliance. Benefits of joining include:

  • Advocacy Opportunities. Events, workshops and online forums will build connections among leading companies and professionals.
  • Industry Recognition. The alliance will provide opportunities to showcase company expertise and thought leadership through content and other mediums.
  • Knowledge Sharing. AI development efforts will accelerate via sharing of resources, case studies, and research findings.
  • Collaboration and Future Joint Go-To-Market Opportunities. Alliance members will learn from and collaborate on cutting-edge projects, research, and technology exchanges to drive innovation and create new opportunities for growth across various audiences and verticals.

“This collaborative initiative focused squarely at the developer-level signifies a pivotal step towards fostering and speeding innovation within the AI community. By bringing together leading developers and organizations, this Alliance is paving the way for impactful advancements in AI technology, transparency, and ethics,” said Matt Arcaro, IDC Research Director for Computer Vision AI Tools and Technologies.

Clarifai has more than a decade of experience supporting enterprises and government organizations in accelerating AI development and implementation, while also minimizing AI sprawl and expenses, and mitigating risks associated with AI-fueled data.


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