The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment, and Whistic, the leading AI-first modern platform for comprehensive third-party risk management, announced a strategic partnership to further the responsible and secure development, use, and management of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. A key element of the partnership will be Whistic’s participation and support of the CSA AI Safety Initiative, with a specific focus on the development of an AI-extension to STAR certification and the Compliance Automation Revolution (CAR), which will be unveiled later this month.
“The use of artificial intelligence has already become ubiquitous in cloud and SaaS provider offerings. Simultaneously, other business types are leveraging it as a tool to make their daily operations more efficient while looking for ways to incorporate it into their products and services. Given AI’s widespread use, it’s critical that enterprises leveraging this transformative technology are able to provide evidence that their solutions and services can be trusted,” said Jim Reavis, co-founder and CEO, Cloud Security Alliance. “We’re extremely pleased to partner with Whistic in furthering a responsible AI future.”
SOURCE: BusinessWire