Data Intensity Expands Cloud Migration Services with Matilda Cloud Partnership


Data Intensity, a global leader in Oracle managed cloud services and solutions, is expanding their cloud migration capabilities through a first-of-its-kind strategic partnership with Matilda Cloud, an industry leader in innovative IT landscape discovery services.

As part of its cloud migration services, Data Intensity conducts comprehensive analyses of a client’s IT ecosystem, including applications, services, databases, network, operating system, and virtualization. With Matilda Cloud’s industry-recognized technology platform and Data Intensity’s digital transformation expertise, the partnership will enable IT leaders to make faster, data-driven cloud migration decisions.

“By joining forces with Matilda Cloud, Data Intensity can help customers find the best cloud solution, map services deployed both on-premises and in any public cloud, create a robust migration strategy, and estimate the cost and performance benefits for a successful migration,” said Biju Thomas, Global Oracle Practice Lead at Data Intensity and an Oracle ACE Director. “This partnership enables Data Intensity to assist customers with multi-cloud architecture by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each cloud provider.”

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Matilda Cloud’s Rapid Assessment and Discover quickly discovers a client’s applications, supporting software and hardware infrastructure, and dependencies in their cloud and on-premise environments.

“Our alliance with Data Intensity transforms cloud migration. Matilda Cloud’s advanced discovery and migration solutions perfectly complement Data Intensity’s services and expertise,” stated Rajesh Reddy, CTO at Matilda Cloud. “This collaboration introduces a new level of precision and speed, empowering clients to embrace the full benefits of their digital transformation. As organizations seek innovative ways to optimize costs and enhance resiliency, our joint efforts are especially relevant in today’s shift towards multi-cloud strategies.”

Industry experts estimate up to 95% of enterprises have, or are moving to, a multi-cloud approach to control costs, maximize features, and improve resiliency.


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