Enterra Solutions Disrupts Enterprise Software Market by Unveiling the World’s First System of Intelligence


Enterra Solutions, the leader in enterprise optimization and decision-making solutions, unveiled the Enterra System of Intelligence®, an industry-first, cross-enterprise analysis and control center. Enterra’s system spans the data and process layers of established systems of record and engagement to autonomously scale optimization and data-driven decision-making across the value chain and fundamentally evolve an organization’s ability to drive growth, competitiveness, and resiliency.

The Enterra System of Intelligence® ushers in a new era of AI-enabled management science by merging cutting-edge analytical techniques with a business’ data and knowledge to Sense, Think, Act, and Learn® on enterprise data to meet the changing needs of the market. Enterra’s system acts as central “brain” within an organization, ingesting diverse datasets, business logic and practices, and strategy, to uncover unique insights and generate autonomous recommendations across the enterprise at market speed.

Insights and recommendations generated by the Enterra System of Intelligence® are acted upon through deep integrations with an organization’s established systems of record and engagement, akin to how the brain (decision-making) and central nervous system (actions) interact within the human body. Enterra’s system uniquely learns the environmental reasons that recommendations are successful or not and persists that learning in its Ontologies and Generative AI knowledge bases to improve future insights and recommendations. A concept video of how the system works at scale within an enterprise can be found here.

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“Enterra is attacking a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity which has historically been unattainable due to technological limitations,” said Stephen DeAngelis, Founder & CEO of Enterra Solutions. “As organizations continue to operate in a sea of uncertainty in 2024 – from macroeconomic headwinds and rising inflation to unexpected demand swings and shifting geopolitical tensions – the Enterra System of Intelligence® is helping some of the top CPG brands in the world to navigate this volatility, mitigate risk, exploit opportunities, and drive outsized business value.”

The Enterra System of Intelligence® is a fit-for-purpose-built, 360-degree platform that automates the translation of enterprise data to actionable insights and recommendations. Its suite of interconnected business applications span the value chain of an organization and by their nature break down horizontal and vertical silos that have historically limited the effectiveness of enterprise planning. The business application modules of the Enterra System of Intelligence® are:

  • Enterra Consumer Insights Intelligence System™ that allows clients to quantitatively uncover and logically understand the inter-relationships that lead to heightened consumer understanding, hyper-personalized product recommendations, and new product innovation,
  • Enterra Revenue Growth Intelligence System™ that systemically performs holistic revenue growth optimization (including the levers of strategic and tactical pricing, trade promotion, trade architecture, price pack architecture, media mix, customer segmentation, and assortment),
  • Enterra Demand and Supply Chain Intelligence System™ that concurrently performs non-linear demand and supply planning optimization,
  • Enterra Business WarGaming™ that enables organizations to leverage their data to make strategic decisions by anticipating the moves of their competitors and taking direct action to beat the competition, mitigate risk, navigate uncertainty, and maximize market opportunity.

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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