FICO World 2024 to Spotlight Businesses Leading the “Intelligence Revolution”


Global analytics software leader FICO announced that FICO World 2024 will be held in San Diego, California from April 15-18, 2024. At this event, now in its 48th year, IT and business professionals from over 60 countries will discover how to improve customer loyalty, fight fraud and scams, and compete more effectively using the latest technology for AI-powered decision management. Many of the world’s leading financial institutions will reveal their progress in leading what FICO calls the “Intelligence Revolution.”

At FICO World 2024, attendees can exchange ideas with industry leading organizations, and gain a competitive edge in their digital transformations to better solve business challenges. The conference will also showcase the latest trends impacting the future of credit risk management and consumer financial wellness.

“FICO World 2024 will launch participants into the next stage of the Intelligence Revolution,” said Nikhil Behl, chief marketing officer and executive vice president at FICO. “Leading banks and other businesses from around the world will share how they have strengthened their organization’s agility and decision-making leading them to create dramatically better customer experiences. The event will also spotlight our 2024 FICO® Decision Awards winners and showcase the latest cloud-based platform technology, AI innovations, and tools for financial inclusion.”

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FICO World’s breakout sessions encompass six tracks: Acquire, Grow, Protect, Build, Culture, and Assess. Some of the key breakout sessions include:

  • How to Grow Business and Build Trust with Always-On Hyper-Personalization: Join us to explore always-on hyper-personalization for business growth, customer relationships, and trust-building. Our speakers, top analysts, industry leaders, and FICO experts will unveil essential steps to reach your hyper-personalization goals and foster customer loyalty.
  • Turn Customer Data into a Major Competitive Edge With Real-Time Analytics & Event-Based Decisioning: In the past year, personalization technology investments rose for nearly 80 percent of financial institutions. Join us to discover how you can elevate customer relationships by harnessing real-time data, analytics, and next best decision-making at scale.
  • New Scoring StrategiesThe Power of Score Layering and Trended Data Analytics: In this interactive session, we’ll explore innovative practices and analytic strategies to drive profitable growth. Learn how applying new credit scoring strategies can strengthen your competitive advantage.

The event will show attendees how to get maximum advantage from the latest innovations in FICO Platform, which harnesses the power of analytics and AI to facilitate smarter business decisions on a global scale. FICO Platform analyzes, predicts, and optimizes interactions in real-time, fostering trust and loyalty through hyper-personalized experiences and comprehensive customer management.

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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