LatticeFlow AI announces LatticeFlow AI Audio


LatticeFlow AI, the leading platform for building trustworthy AI applications, announces LatticeFlow AI Audio, the first product designed to find and identify model errors in audio AI applications.

This release addresses the pressing demand for reliable voice deepfake detection solutions in advance of the 2024 U.S. elections. In this context, LatticeFlow AI Audio, combined with the company’s existing capabilities in computer vision, makes it the most advanced solution for deepfake detectors to combat deepfake threats combining audio and video.

“We believe that there is no place for deepfakes in civil, ethical societies,” said Dr. Petar Tsankov, Co-founder and CEO at LatticeFlow AI. “Ethical, safe, and trustworthy AI are the foundational values of our company – and why we want to help address deepfakes detection in advance of the 2024 elections. LatticeFlow AI Audio is the industry’s only product that can automatically find and identify AI audio data and model errors, enabling our clients to rapidly develop more accurate AI deepfake detection applications.”

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“The announcement of LatticeFlow AI’s technology in combating audio deepfakes, in addition to their already existing technology improving video deepfake detectors, is appreciated by journalists such as myself,” stated Chris O’Brien, renowned independent journalist. Prior to relocating to Paris, O’Brien covered Silicon Valley for The San Jose Mercury News and the Los Angeles Times. O’Brien added: “I am thrilled to see companies like LatticeFlow AI developing cutting-edge technology to combat deepfakes. Their innovation is a vital step towards preserving the integrity and accuracy of the information we often rely on as journalists.”

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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