Myneurva launches StarrbaseTM to revolutionize the field of Remote Mental Health.

Myneurva, the global leader in Cloud-Based Brain Diagnostics and AI-Driven Neuropsychiatric Solutions today announced the launch of Starrbase a fully integrated system of its Advanced Neural Network Analysis (ANNA), with over fifty research-based brain training programs. Myneurva offers concierge-based Quantitative Electroencephalogram and Neurofeedback to anyone with a brain and an internet connection around the globe. Starrbase works via a cloud computing system and artificial intelligence algorithms developed and tested for over ten years.

Since launching, the company has created a Patented EEG (Electroencephalogram) Brain Test that can identify 12 key brain disorders in under 5 minutes, and a cloud-based EEG-Biofeedback Training Platform that can operate in your home, on your phone, or in your doctor’s office using computer-based learning techniques to improve key functional areas such as sleep, concentration, memory, and relaxation.

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“I have the best self-esteem I’ve ever had in my life…I feel like a 100% different person, I have more confidence, more clarity in my thinking, and more patience. Doing neurofeedback with Myneurva has completely changed me for the better.”
Leanne Casiano

The launch of Starrbase comes amid the company achieving several key milestones: alpha testing of its portable 19 Channel gel-less EEG System, the ability to gain third-party reimbursement via acceptance of its technology, key partnerships with Neuromore, Brainmaster, ThoughtAI, and Nexstem, and was selected as one of 1,000+ applicants into Newchip’s competitive accelerator program.

This next-generation hardware-agnostic system represents a quantum leap in technology.

Key Features
  • Patented Cloud-Based Platform to analyze measured brain data with Artificial Intelligence. 

  • Grows, learns, and evolves, ever-refining collected data and potential diagnoses.

  • Helps the clinician determine many afflictions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

“People of all ages, and all walks of life, with myriad conditions have experienced benefit with our proven method.”
Frederick S. Starr, MD, FAACAP

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