Next Pathway to Collaborate with Microsoft to migrate customers to Microsoft Azure

Next Pathway Inc., the Automated Cloud Migration company, today announced a collaboration with Microsoft to accelerate the migration from legacy data warehouses and data lakes to Microsoft Azure.

Next Pathway’s SHIFT™ Migration Suite is being offered as part of the Service to plan and execute Cloud Migrations to Azure. The suite includes SHIFT™ Analyzer which provides a comprehensive review of source legacy application workloads to review the code types and objects which are present, and SHIFT™ Translator which accelerates the translation, testing and migration of complex workloads, such as, SQL, Stored Procedures, ETL pipelines/workflows, and various other code types.  Moreover, Next Pathway’s technology can also move workloads from other cloud platforms and cloud data warehouses to Azure with ease and efficiency.

An important feature of Next Pathway’s technology is the ability to translate legacy ETL pipelines to run natively in Azure Data Factory (ADF).  ADF is a cloud-based data integration service that allows users to create data-driven workflows in the cloud for orchestrating and automating data movement and data transformation.

Also Read: Cloud Migration Challenges Faced by Enterprises

This collaboration creates an accelerated path for customers to Azure.  “At Next Pathway we are continuously innovating to make it easier, and faster for our customers to migrate to the cloud.  We are extremely excited to be working with Microsoft”, said Chetan Mathur, Chief Executive Officer at Next Pathway.

“We are pleased to partner with Next Pathway and provide our customers with a faster and more efficient migration path to Microsoft Azure,” said Zia Mansoor, Worldwide Vice President Data and AI.

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