NNAISENSE Announces Open-Source Evolutionary Algorithm Library EvoTorch

AI vendor NNAISENSE has announced the official launch of the EvoTorch open-source evolutionary algorithm library. In order to aid in the automation and optimization of processes, the company has been developing its technology with a focus on industrial AI.

Additionally, EvoTorch has been integrated by NNAISENSE with the Ray open-source framework, which is used to scale Python and AI applications. The company claimed that a problem could scale to thousands of CPUs and hundreds of GPUs if a data scientist builds it as a PyTorch function to optimize on EvoTorch.

EvoTorch was being developed independently by NNAISENSE for use inside of its platform. The business decided to open source the technology for a number of reasons. The focus on facilitating neural evolution is the other significant distinction between NNAISENSE and EvoTorch.

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