Persistent accelerates digital development with the AI-powered SASVA platform


Persistent Systems, a global leader in digital engineering and enterprise modernization, announced the launch of SASVA, a groundbreaking manageable and secure enterprise AI platform that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) and machine learning (ML) to accelerate software releases, reduce time to market and improve efficiency. SASVA is derived from the Sanskrit word Shashvatah , which means timelessness and provides continuous improvement in the ever-changing software landscape. SASVA is embedded in software engineering to efficiently address various use cases by avoiding technical debt in new development, minimizing accumulated technical debt in mid- to late-stage software, and addressing complex scenarios in software sustainment and specific enterprise-scale industries.

Traditional software engineering methods rely heavily on time-consuming manual activities, which often result in technical debt due to the reliance on individual expertise and institutional knowledge. It is difficult to ensure efficiency, reliability and scalability across the entire software development lifecycle. These challenges become even greater later in the software lifecycle, when budget and resource constraints also come into play. Despite advances in generative AI-powered platforms, there has been a decline in productivity when managing complex projects that involve dependencies between different applications – a common scenario in complex solutions.

SASVA uses a unique methodology by building a comprehensive knowledge base from massive datasets, including millions of code repositories and documents. Hybrid language models enable efficient use with continuous, secure training on customer data coming from various platforms such as version control, ticketing systems, project management tools and collaboration platforms. This rigorous process improves privacy, security and compliance, especially for sensitive data. SASVA streamlines project plan creation and generates contextual code changes for seamless review.

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In early projects, SASVA has reduced release times by an impressive 25% to 35%, with improved quality and reduced technical debt. SASVA enables customers from various industries to increase business productivity across different software phases, achieving cost and time efficiency with improved quality.


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