Red Hat Launches Next Versions of the World’s Leading Enterprise Linux Platform

Red Hat

Red Hat, Inc., the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 and the forthcoming availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9. The latest versions of the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform fuel production container innovations, add new management services through Red Hat Insights and full support for Stratis as a system storage option.

IDC research forecasts that the container infrastructure software market will grow to $5.57 billion by 2027, representing a CAGR of 23.4%.1 To serve as the foundation for this rapid growth, Red Hat believes that a scalable, flexible Linux platform that pairs container innovation with a strong security posture is vital, with Red Hat Enterprise Linux well-suited to these evolving needs. More than simply addressing these emerging demands, Red Hat Enterprise Linux enables IT organizations to use an understandable, accessible platform that takes advantage of existing skills to bridge existing IT operations with containerized innovations.

As with Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases before them, both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 and 8.9 natively include the capabilities of Podman, a daemonless tool for deploying, running, building and sharing Linux containers. 9.3 and 8.9 further integrate this functionality into existing workflows via automation, with new Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console enhancements. When a Podman container health check fails, administrators can now specify an automated action to occur for remediation or mitigation, which helps ease the burdens of managing containerized workloads at scale.

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These container-centric updates extend to Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles which provide pre-configured sets of Ansible roles and modules to streamline specific system operations. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux system role for Podman now supports Quadlet, a tool for simplifying the process of running containers with systemd. This lets systems administrators more effectively use systemd as a localized container management system, reducing complexities that otherwise would require human intervention.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 now offers full support for Stratis, a Linux storage system included in the platform that is designed to help simplify storage administration and amplify efficiency. Stratis integrates a number of existing Linux capabilities into a more streamlined, user-friendly interface, making storage configuration and management accessible to both novice and experienced users. It incorporates a number of key features, including dynamic scaling, robust encryption and optimized resources allocation, along with more advanced capabilities such as thin provisioning, snapshots and caching. The entire system can be managed and maintained via the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console, providing greater control and oversight into increasingly complex storage operations.

SOURCE: Businesswire

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