Sectigo Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Innovations in Automated Certificate Lifecycle Management and Offering Superior Customer Value with Sectigo Certificate Manager


Frost & Sullivan recently assessed the certificate lifestyle management (CLM) industry and, based on its findings, recognizes Sectigo with the 2024 Global Customer Value Leadership Award. The company offers the combined benefit of being a trusted SSL/TLS-issuing public certificate authority (CA) and a CA-agnostic CLM firm. This means that Sectigo offers a wide range of digital certificates, PKI solutions, and automated CLM capabilities under one roof. The company’s flagship product, Sectigo Certificate Manager (SCM), is a single-pane-of-glass platform that manages the lifecycles of all public and private digital certificates across an organization’s network. It enables digital certificate discovery, issuance, renewal, and management in a cloud-based, coherent offering and integrates many automation protocols including ACME, Rest: API, and more.

Sectigo Certificate Manager offers all five pillars of CLM in one offering, negating the need to license separate bolt-on products or tools to discover, monitor, and automate certificate lifecycles while also providing interoperability in complex IT environments. SCM’s integrations allow deployment flexibility and customization in customer environments: With its highly productized offering and flexible pricing models, Sectigo has greatly extended CLM to smaller organizations by eliminating on-premises requirements and the need for additional professional services. SCM supports full interoperability with more than 50 technology partners and vendors, enhancing customers’ network architecture and establishing digital trust across the organization.

Özgün Pelit, senior industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, observed, “Sectigo’s management and product teams consist of industry veterans in PKI and enterprise security solutions with decades of experience and a comprehensive understanding of customers’ needs. From the initial inquiry to onboarding and continued account management, Sectigo offers industry-leading, white-glove customer service 24/7/365.”

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Sectigo removes the barrier to try certificate lifecycle management by offering a free trial of SCM. This preview enables everyone to run the platform’s functions and discover rogue certificates. Greatly simplifying the pre-purchase experience, the quick trial enables organizations to see how SCM behaves in their environments. Sectigo is also one of the few CAs offering customers subscription-based pricing models. With options to either transact directly or through a large ecosystem of partners and resellers, Sectigo makes it easy for customers all over the world to issue digital certificates and deploy CLM solutions.

“Extending automated CLM solutions to wider audiences and smaller enterprises greatly improves security and digital trust globally. As a result, Sectigo distinguishes itself from its competitors with its highly productized solution offering, addressing a wide range of needs in a single, coherent platform,” added Pelit. “With its strong overall performance, Sectigo earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Global Customer Value Leadership Award in the certificate lifecycle management solutions industry.”

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to a company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for customers with a focus on improving the return on the investment that customers make in its services or products. The award recognizes the company’s unique focus on augmenting the value that customers receive, beyond simply good customer service, leading to improved customer retention and expansion.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in various regional and global industries for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.


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