Stellar Cyber Wins Two 2023 ASTOR Awards.

Stellar Cyber

Stellar Cyber, the innovator of Open XDR, has won 2023 ASTOR awards in two categories: Best Network Security Solution and Best Unified Incident & Event Management Solution.

American Security Today’s Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards, the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards program, now in its eighth year, recognizes industry leaders in Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement and First Responders as well as federal, state, and municipal government agencies to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to keep our nation secure. The awards single out government and vendor solutions that deliver enhanced value, benefit, and intelligence to end users and organizations.

“As the nation continues to respond to escalating threats from home and abroad, the innovative solutions being implemented to meet those threats have led to tremendous growth in the field of Homeland Security,” said Michael Madsen, co-founder and publisher of American Security. “Today, the United States is increasingly focusing on protecting IT/cyber security networks, and they are calling on innovative companies like Stellar Cyber to help them do so.”

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Stellar Cyber’s AI-driven Open XDR Platform is the preferred cybersecurity threat detection choice of MSSPs, enterprises and city governments looking for an XDR solution. Unlike other XDR platforms, Stellar Cyber’s platform integrates with hundreds of third-party cybersecurity tools, so buyers can collect, analyze and respond to all security data in one intuitive dashboard while preserving their previous investments in those tools.

“We are often considered the technology leader in XDR with the best ease of use so analysts can quickly become more productive and address threats more quickly,” said Steve Garrison, SVP of Marketing at Stellar Cyber. “We are proud to be a multi-year ASTOR award winner.”

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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