Three Strategies for Proactively Managing Hybrid Teams

Now is the time to establish the foundation for their workforce’s future due to the dropping COVID-19 numbers. In order to advance digital initiatives, operations, and human interactions to the next level of productivity and efficiency, a hybrid strategy will integrate the finest elements of both worlds.

Workplaces were forced to shift abruptly and overnight when the global pandemic swept the globe. Many employees came to the sobering realization that they didn’t want to return to the office. For their part, managers were less eager to keep footing the bill for vacant offices.

Some personnel desire to go back to work, while some do not. Enterprises must consider creating a hybrid workforce of remote and in-person personnel as the logical option. That seems like a good concept, but the route is paved with landmines.

Working remotely was a privilege before the pandemic. It became mandatory under COVID-19, and employees adapted to it: According to a research by Accenture titled “The future of work: A hybrid work model,” 83% of the 9,326 workers polled favored a hybrid model in which they could work remotely at least 25% of the time.

Here are some pointers for IT leaders on managing a hybrid team and boosting productivity. 

Foster an atmosphere of direct, honest communication

Every manager should be dedicated to a working culture where concerns are communicated freely without recrimination, whether or not businesses are employing hybrid teams. Cliches and hushed discussions may destroy any relationship. The opportunity exists for leaders to lead by example by being honest about their own shortcomings, failings, and challenging lessons learned. Employees are more likely to adopt ideas rapidly in environments where they are not afraid to bring up challenging issues.

Be adaptable

Working remotely offers several advantages for certain people. Many people’s quality of life increased as a result of shorter commutes and flexible work schedules, with 72% of those questioned reporting better work-life balance in 2020, according to State of Remote Work by Owl Labs. Some people are eager to return because they lack the room or resources necessary for a successful work-from-home setting. Leaders must be receptive to opposing viewpoints.

Firms should be aware of how long this COVID-19 cloud has existed: a whole year of remote work has caused workers to develop entirely new habits. It’s crucial to consider external factors—such as living arrangements, children attending virtual schools, health issues, loved ones passing away, etc.—affect employees. Organizations must be compassionate and sympathetic during this time of transition, especially for those who are still worried about the virus.

Also Read: Top Three Strategies to Thrive with SAP Transformation

Giving workers options for their “return to work” instead of issuing an order for everyone to report to the office is crucial and will significantly affect employee loyalty. 

More training and reskilling

Traditional businesses frequently adopt the idea that “they will teach their personnel just as much as they have to.” However, this strategy will increase the likelihood that employees would look for other positions where they feel more appreciated and qualified. Needless to say, there might be a chance that employees may leave with their newly acquired skills, but having under trained staff can be detrimental to the organization and its enterprises.

Companies must allocate a sizable annual budget for training and development and assist in creating a unique training plan for each employee. Both employee satisfaction and long-term company strategy depend on this. These plans should also show professional development opportunities that benefit all employees, not just the business.

Although training in person is excellent, virtual training has advantages as well. Although having a closer relationship with teachers can frequently result in more knowledge and attentiveness, virtual training is still a common choice in today’s society. Employees should be encouraged by their employers to look into local training options. Additionally, they must recognize that user groups and trade associations are excellent resources for learning and can help them return to their businesses with significant connections and expertise.

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