Ververica will discuss solutions in the field of big data during the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit conference


Ververica, a comprehensive platform for data streaming, is pleased to announce its participation in the upcoming edition of the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit conference as a sponsor and content partner of the event. The event, which usually gathers numerous experts in the field of big data, cloud solutions and data analysis, will be an opportunity to present the Ververica Cloud solution, including the innovative VERA (Ververica Runtime Assembly) technology.

With the changing digital landscape, the need for data streaming platforms that offer scalable and efficient analytics solutions is greater than ever. Ververica’s participation in the upcoming event demonstrates the company’s commitment to lead the way in innovation by providing innovative solutions that enable companies to unlock the full potential of their data.

Highlighting innovation through streaming platforms

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Ververica will take an active part in the conference, not only as a speaker, but also as an organizer of technical workshops, the aim of which is to present the possibilities and flexibility of solutions developed by the company for data streaming platforms:

  • Abdul Rehman Zafar, Solutions Architect w Ververica
    • Session titled “Analysis of link sequences in real time based on data from e-commerce websites using Ververica Cloud” – presentation of the capabilities of the Ververica Cloud solution supported by VERA technology, which is revolutionizing the e-commerce sector by increasing the possibilities of real-time data analysis.
  • Giannis Polyzos , Senior Technical Evangelist w Ververica
    • Session: “Apache Flink as a lakehouse in streaming” – discussion of the Streamhouse architecture concept, including a discussion on Flink SQL, Flink CDC and Apache Paimon and their benefits for companies and teams responsible for data handling.

Meet Ververica experts on-site and online

During the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit event, participants will have the opportunity to directly meet Ververica’s team of experts. People who are unable to attend the stationary conference will be able to participate online and play the presented materials via video on demand. In this way, the valuable information provided by the Ververica team will be available to all interested parties.

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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