BlackBerry unveils the next generation of UEM, redefining the unified endpoint management market


BlackBerry Limited, a pioneer in enterprise mobility management, announced two major new innovations in unified mobility management. endpoints (UEM): BlackBerry UEM at the edge and BlackBerry UEM for IoT.

BlackBerry Limited softwareUEM is used to manage, monitor and secure all end-user devices in an organization. Extending BlackBerry UEM to the edge will improve business productivity and the employee experience by bringing workloads closer to the end user and their device, ensuring ultra-low latency connectivity, while maintaining the highest security standards that customers trust and rely on for BlackBerry. In testing, users saw a decrease in latency of up to 87%. The solution brings the BlackBerry Network Operations Center (NOC), the company’s unique secure connectivity infrastructure, at the edge and integrates with on-premises zones and AWS Availability Zones to securely place compute, storage, and other services where data is generated and used. BlackBerry UEM at the edge is compatible with BlackBerry UEM on-premises and in the cloud.

BlackBerry UEM for the Internet of Things (IoT) will extend unified endpoint management to IoT devices, enabling businesses to realize the broad benefits of IoT and reduce unknown risks in their environment. The solution combines BlackBerry UEM with AWS IoT Greengrass, an open source edge runtime and cloud service used on millions of IoT devices across the connected world, whether in factories, vehicles, healthcare or businesses. This integration aims to provide management and visibility of IoT devices while strengthening IT teams. By moving towards the company’s convergence objective.

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“IoT has progressed over the past few years across different industries…automotive, enterprise, medical, manufacturing. The convergence of IoT with security at the forefront of the conversation is now emerging as a must for the connected world. Moving systems to the cloud allows businesses to access IoT data and developers to innovate and deliver new value. AWS is excited to collaborate with BlackBerry on edge and IoT UEM solutions to deliver a unified and innovative endpoint management solution for the future of the connected world,” said Dr. Sarah Cooper, general manager of industrial products . at AWS.

IoT is a fundamental pillar of the future of digital transformation and opens new business opportunities for organizations by significantly extending the reach of information technology. The value of enterprise IoT is largely untapped due to the heavy computational requirements of IoT and the complexity of the IoT network. Edge computing meets the growing demand for real-time data processing and analysis, and increased endpoint visibility provides valuable situational awareness and security benefits, enabling businesses to easily integrate IoT in their IT strategies.

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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